What is Credit System in USA’s Education
Credit System in US Education- The courses you take are calculated under a credit hour system and that is how the cost of one course is calculated. One course can be anywhere from 3 credits to 5 credit hours depending on your major (field of study). Usually, the classes which have a lab (mainly for science-related classes) assigned to them, are 4 to 5 credit hours, and non-lab classes are usually 2 or 3 credit hours. Few universities also offer classes that are 1 credit hour. It is advised to be careful while registering for class so that you do not fall under the required credit for your visa requirements. Generally, the credit hour indicates how much time that week you will need to watch lectures for that class combined with how much coursework you will need to do.
Difference between the Indian and The US grading system.
In India, when a student enrolls and takes classes for their undergraduate or master’s degree, their progress and completion of classes are calculated according to Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), which is out of 10. While in the US, it’s called Grade Point Average or GPA and it is calculated out of 4. When you start your degree in the US in the fall, spring, or summer semester, you register for 12 credit hours worth of classes or more courses (subjects) for undergrad. The student needs 120 credit hours to graduate with a bachelor’s degree and for a master’s, the student requires 9 or more credit hours to be a full-time student, and 30 to 32 credit hours to graduate. An international student is required to be a full-time student as a requirement for an F1 visa.
How is the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated?
These credits influence your GPA. GPA is recorded after every semester and the other yearly. The GPA recorded after every semester is called comprehensive (semester) GPA recorded yearly is called Combined GPA. If you have straight A’s in all your classes you will be awarded a 4.0 GPA. In order to calculate your GPA, for 3 or 4 credit hour classes, multiply by the points earned from the class.
Math (3 credits)- Earned A (4)- 4*3= 12 points
English ( 3 credits)- Earned B (3)= 9 points
Economics (3 credits)- Earned B (3)= 9 points
Physics (3 credits)- Earned C (2)= 6 points
Geology (4 credits)- Earned B (3)= 12
Add all points- 48 points
Number of hours taken in the semester 16
So 48/16= 3.0 GPA
Cost per credit hour and I-20
When the student gets accepted into the university, the international services of the particular university send the student a document called the I-20, which basically gives you an insight into your course of study, the level of study, when the program starts, and what the tuition expense is. I-20 specifies either 9 months or 12 months depending on the university to university (always mentioned near student funding). 9 months includes 2 semesters- fall, and spring. While 12 months includes 3 semesters- Fall, spring, and summer. On the I-20, the tuition fee mentioned includes living expenses, miscellaneous expenses, and health insurance.
So even if the calculation per credit comes out different, I-20 will always have a higher price.
The calculation:
18 credits will cost $15,990— this is provided on the I-20 under Tuition and Fees section.
Cost per credit = 15,9920 / 18 = $888
Total Cost for 30 Credits = $888 x 30 = $26,650.
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